Innova is a dynamic international design agency based in Copenhagen (Denmark) that offers a holistic approach to solve complex problems. By putting people at the centre, we use design as a strategic tool to grow your business.
Innova, design, innovation, strategic, Copenhagen, Patton, problems
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What we do

We have a 360-degree approach to solve complex problems and work from a philosophy where design is used to solve problems on different levels:

Level 1: Design as product

Design as the act of giving form to a physical product or service when developing something new. This type of design is usually developed over iterative processes and to achieve the best result we establish a close collaboration with our client. From the very initial analysis to the first idea generation, from creating prototypes to the finished product the path is long but clear thanks to a well-developed method that allows us to obtain concrete results.

Level 2: Design as process

Design as part of a business process that includes all parties involved in a project. Creating something new and relevant to the market does not only require the use of creative methods and design thinking as a fundamental way of working but it often involves also a deep confrontation between various company roles. And in this sense, an integrated way of working within the organizational structure can aim to understand better the end-users, the market, the competitors, etc.

Level 3: Design as strategy

By collaborating with a company’s management team, we facilitate a change in how we approach the market by integrating our know-how with that of our customers to create something unique. Through the application of a consolidated working method, we try to enhance corporate mission and values to make them even more competitive and pragmatic. All with the aim of translating this effort into business growth.